As already mentioned in the reminder message posted last week, the information in the update letter published at the end of summer term – in relation to the procedures for the start of the new school year – still stands. In addition to this please note the following updates:
School bus
- Information in relation to home to school transport has been provided by the local authority when sending out bus passes. If you have not received this information, it can be found here.
Children/Staff showing possible coronavirus symptoms (isolation period extended from 7 to 10 days)
- Ensuring that pupils, staff and other adults do not come into the school if they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptomsor have tested positive in at least the last 10 days and ensuring anyone developing those symptoms during the school day is sent home, are essential actions to reduce the risk in schools and further drive down transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
- If anyone in the school becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that they should self-isolate for at least 10 days and should arrange to have a testto see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19).
- If they have tested positive whilst not experiencing symptoms but develop symptoms during the isolation period, they should restart the 10-day isolation period from the day they develop symptoms.
- Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 14 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.
PE kits
- In a change to the usual arrangements, we will be asking that the children come to school in their PE kit on their PE day. There will be no PE lessons this week and class teachers will provide further information about these new arrangements in their class newsletters.
Items from home
- The only items that the children will be required to bring to school are a water bottle and a packed lunch (if required). All resources needed by the children for their lessons will be provided by school. Please ensure all other items are left at home. We will provide an update about reading books and homework once the children have settled back into school.
Class 4 update
- During the lockdown period a damp issue was discovered in the cloakroom and toilet area of Class 4. Some remedial work has been undertaken over the summer break to remove the affected material and make the area safe. However, as an extended drying out period is required before the remaining work can be completed, the toilet and cloakroom area will not be in use until after the half-term holiday at the earliest. In the meantime, the children will be able to access alternative facilities in school which will be for the sole use of Class 4.