Mrs King – Class Teacher
Miss Jackson – Teaching Assistant
Please find everything you need to know about Class 4 here!
Termly overview:
Reading in Class 4
Reading in hugely important as it will not only help you in English lessons but it is a life skill that you will need in everything you do! It doesn’t have to be dull – when you find the right book, by the right author it will take you on incredible journeys, to places you can’t even imagine, and give you adventures that you will remember for a life time.
In addition to our guided novel and class stories, you will also be required to do some of your own independent reading both in school and at home. You will continue to receive a reading book, either from the levelled scheme books or from the free readers in class or the library, and your reading should be recorded in our class reading folder located in the reading area.
Please make sure you have your reading book with you everyday!
Spelling in Class 4
Spelling continues to be a key element of the English curriculum and is an important aspect of your writing across all subjects. It is important we learn the rules that help us to be independent spellers and know how to apply these in our writing, not just when using the words we are tested on but when using other words that contain the same sounds or patterns. Each week we will focus on a set of ten words that are based on spelling rules from the Year 5/6 English curriculum or that are taken from the Year 5/6 statutory word list. It is your job to learn your spellings ready for your test each Friday.
Maths in Class 4
Each week, we will complete fluency lessons where the focus is learning the key knowledge required to complete Mathematical calculations. We will look at different strategies we can use and different ways things can be represented. Once we are confident with the basics, we will then apply this knowledge in context when solving problems or explaining our reasoning.
Every Friday we will have a focus on problem solving – this will include something we have done from the past week but may also include a flashback to previous learning. By doing this, you will have the continued opportunity to practise your Maths skills and hopefully will be able to increase your independence when reasoning and problem solving.
It is your job to practice your Mathematical fluency at home! This includes work on number bonds, number facts such as factors, multiples and prime numbers and your times tables!
There are two elements to your homework – the core tasks (which must be completed) and the optional tasks (which will be related to your theme).
Core Tasks
- Spellings
Here you will find a link to your weekly spelling tests. You must take the time to learn your words for your weekly spelling test.
In Class 4 your spelling test will be on a FRIDAY.
Please ask Mrs King if you would like a paper copy of your words.
- Reading
You are expected to read each week (approximately 10 minutes per day). In Class 4 this can be independent reading but it is always beneficial to read out loud! Ask someone in your house if you can read to them at least once per week.
You should always have a school reading book that you can read at home but you can also read a book from home if it is something that you want to read for pleasure.
Below is a link to recommended reading lists for years 5 and 6:
- Maths
Each week you are expected to practice your multiplication tables using TTRockstars. This can be through a challenge set by your teacher or can be an independent goal that you set yourself.
If you require further tables challenges or printable tables tasks, please ask your class teacher.
Optional Tasks
In addition to your core tasks, I have also set some optional tasks that relate to your topic or theme. These are cross curricular and have no set deadline. You can complete as many of the tasks as you wish and return them to school as and when you finish them.
Please work with care as I would love to create a home learning display in our classroom.
Class 4 Optional Homework Autumn term
Class 4 Optional Homework Spring term
Residential Visit
Following our successful residential visit from last year, we will be returning to Newby Wiske in the Summer term.
This will be from Wednesday 9th July – Friday 11th
Year 6 SATs
SATs Week 2025
SATs week for the 2025 KS2 SATs is the week commencing 12th May 2025. Below are the SATs dates for each exam throughout the 2025 KS2 SATs week:
Monday 12th May | Grammar and Punctuation, Paper 1 |
Tuesday 13th May | English Reading |
Wednesday 14th May | Maths Paper 1
Maths Paper 2 |
Thursday 15th May | Maths Paper 3 |
We continue to operate an open-door policy so please get in touch if you need any support.
Class Newsletters – 2023-2024
- Class 4 Newsletter – Summer 2 2024
- Class 4 Newsletter Summer 1 2024
- Class 4 Newsletter – Spring 2 2024
- Class 4 Newsletter – Spring 1 2024
- Class 4 Newsletter – Autumn 2 2023
- Class 4 Newsletter – Autumn 1 2023
Archived Class Newsletters
You can view our archived class newsletters on our website.
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