Our Curriculum at Byers Green
At Byers Green we want our children to be enthusiastic, engaged and inspired by their learning and therefore our curriculum has been carefully designed to reflect both the statutory requirements, as outlined in the National Curriculum, but also the interests and aspirations of our children who are at the very heart of our school.
Through a theme-based approach, over two-year cycles, we have been able to ensure that we have a broad and balanced curriculum that is progressive, not only in specific year groups but across classes and phases. Key strands are carefully woven throughout subjects creating meaningful links; these allow children to put their learning into context and understand how things may impact on the world around them.
Ensuring that our curriculum is diverse and reflects the British Values has also been central in our curriculum development as we want our children to grow into empathetic, open-minded adults who are prepared for later life when moving into much more diverse establishments and workplaces.
We understand that learning for our children does not just happen in the classroom and therefore we have also included a number of extra-curriculum opportunities and educational visits to give them first hand experiences and allow them to make memories that can be used to underpin their recall of factual knowledge and understanding.
Curriculum Plans
Class 1 – Early Years Foundation Stage
In our Reception class we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Please click on the link below for an overview of our EYFS curriculum.
As we have mixed-age classes we use a two year rolling program in the rest of our classes (Cycle A and Cycle B).
Class 2 – Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)
You can view or download our Curriculum Plans for Class 2 by clicking the links below:
Class 2 Curriculum Map – Cycle A
Class 2 Curriculum Map – Cycle B
Class 3 – Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4)
You can view or download our Curriculum Plans for Class 3 by clicking the links below:
Class 3 Curriculum Map – Cycle A
Class 3 Curriculum Map – Cycle B
Class 4 – Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6)
You can view or download our Curriculum Plans for Class 4 by clicking the links below:
Class 4 Curriculum Map – Cycle A
Class 4 Curriculum Map – Cycle B
Our curriculum is carefully sequenced: progression documents clearly outline both the knowledge and skills developed in each area of study. Though some subjects are stand alone, most are linked through a theme allowing children to make contextual links and consolidate their knowledge and understanding. In each lesson, children are given time to recap previous learning in order to commit facts to their long-term memory.
Questioning is used effectively to support learners in reaching their full potential. A mix of strategies allow class teachers to direct questions to individuals where necessary, or use a ‘no hands up approach’ to allow children to contribute freely. To stretch children to the appropriate cognitive level, class teachers use prompts and cues to extend thinking. To develop this further, class teachers probe for reasoning and clarification, and, as pupils move further up the school, they are taught to give full, detailed and reasoned responses.
In our school, we want our children to become resilient, independent learners who can be critical thinkers and who can ask relevant questions. Therefore, we use a variety of teaching styles and strategies including the use of enquiry questions to guide learning. We want all children to be actively engaged in all lessons as by being involved in their learning we know they are much more likely to retain the information that is being shared.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Byers Green Primary School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. For further information view the SEND Information Report. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
You can view our Curriculum Subject Overviews on our website.
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