Mrs Bradwell – Class Teacher
You can find all of the information that you will need about Class 2 by reading the information below:
Temly Overview:
Reading in Class 2
I cannot express how important reading is – it affects everything we do. It doesn’t have to be dull – when you find the right book, by the right author it will take you on incredible journeys, to places you can’t even imagine, and give you adventures that you will remember for a life time. The more you practise the better you will become – I am so pleased with the positive attitudes towards reading that I am already seeing in Class 2 this year. We have a beautiful calm reading area in our classroom for you to enjoy choosing, reading and sharing books.
During the week, you will read twice to an adult 1:1 and then within a small group twice. It is therefore so important that you bring in your book bag everyday so that you can build your confidence, fluency and stamina when reading. Please ensure this is in school on time. New reading books and library books will be sent home on a Friday.
You will take home two books a week:
- decodable book matched to your secure phonic knowledge. This book should enable you to ‘show off’ your new learning. You should read the book fluently and with expression – this doesn’t mean that the book is too easy.
- A love of reading book. Share this book together at home. You might not be able to read this sharing book alone. Ask your parent or special adult to read this book to you, explore and talk about the pictures and enjoy reading together!
You will have the opportunity to visit the library and choose a book to bring home to share with your special adults!
Phonics in Class 2
Phonics will be taught every day following Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme and as you begin to learn new sounds you will be encouraged to use them to support your independent writing and reading across the curriculum. You will be split into two groups:
Group 1) Children who are secure with Phase 5 sounds follow the Year 2 Little Wandle spelling scheme. We will recap Phase 5 Summer term 2 initially. – Miss Jackson
Children in Year 1 review Phases 3 and 4 and are taught to read and spell words using Phase 5 GPCs with fluency and accuracy. We will recap Phase 3 and 4 sounds initially. – Mrs Bradwell
You will have a phonics assessment every 5 weeks which will provide data for your reading level, this will also be used with my teacher judgement or assessed earlier if required.
Maths in Class 2
Once we are confident with the basics, we will then apply this knowledge in context when solving problems or explaining our reasoning.
We will apply what we have learnt in maths to solve real life problems. By doing this, you will have the continued opportunity to practise your Maths skills and hopefully will be able to increase your independence when reasoning and problem solving.
It is your job to practice your Mathematical fluency at home! This includes work on number bonds and your times tables! By the end of the academic year it is expected that:
Year 1
- Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 (Forward and backwards to 100).
- Recall and use doubles of all numbers to 10 and corresponding halves.
Year 2
- Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward.
- Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. Learn associated division facts.
- Recognise odd and even numbers to 100.
Science in Class 2
In all our science lessons we will follow the enquiry approach and develop our understanding of the different enquiry types using a range of skills. As part of an ongoing science observation, we will record the daily weather and then use this data to compare different months and seasons through the year.
There are two elements to your homework – the core tasks (which must be completed) and the optional tasks (which will be related to your theme).
Core Tasks
- Spellings
Year 1 do not have a spelling test – their spellings are part of daily phonics lessons. The spelling part of a Little Wandle lesson focuses on the process of how to spell words and applying it to the new GPC. Handwriting and correct sitting postures are extremely important, but that is not the focus of the spelling part of a Little Wandle lesson. Instead, it embeds children’s learning of the new GPC in context. The purpose is not to ‘test’ or record spelling that is accurate, but to practise and check understanding.
Y2 do have a spelling test and this will take place on a Friday.
- Reading
You are expected to read each week (approximately 10 minutes per day). It is so important that you read at home! Ask someone in your house if you can read to them and ask them to record your reading in your reading diary.
You should always have a school reading book that you can read at home but you can also read a book from home if it is something that you want to read for pleasure.
You will also have the opportunity to take home your library book to share. We will visit the library every Tuesday so if you want to change your book please make sure it is returned on a Tuesday morning.
Below is a link to recommended reading lists for Years 1 and 2.
- Maths
Each week you are expected to practise your number bonds. This can be done through NumBots, recall and through games. I have recommended links to online games in the maths section.
NumBots logins are on the back of your reading diary.
If you require further number bond challenges or printable tasks, please ask Mrs Bradwell.
Year 2 children may also use their TT Rockstar logins to challenge themselves with their 2x, 3x 5x and 10x tables.
Optional Tasks
In addition to your core tasks, I have also set some optional tasks that relate to your topic or theme. These are cross curricular and have no set deadline. You can complete as many of the tasks as you wish and return them to school as and when you finish them.
Please work with care as I would love to create a home learning display in our classroom.
Class 2 Optional Homework Autumn Term
Year 1 Phonics Screen
Year 1 Phonics Screen is the week commencing 9th June 2025.
More information to be given during the Little Wandle parents and carers session. I am also happy to answer any questions!
I am really looking forward to this term and all of the exciting opportunities we have to look forward to! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs Bradwell 😊
Class Newsletters 2023-2024
- Class 2 Newsletter – Summer 2 2024
- Class 2 Newsletter Summer 1 2024
- Class 2 Newsletter – Spring 2
- Class 2 Newsletter – Spring 1 2024
- Class 2 Newsletter – Autumn 2 2023
- Class 2 Newsletter – Autumn 1 2023
Archived Class Newsletters
You can view our archived class newsletters on our website.
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