Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for sharing the things your children have been doing at home. It is lovely to keep in touch and please keep sharing things with us.
Just to remind you that all of the resources you need for the week are being shared to the Remote Learning area of our website. On here you will find instructions, videos, PowerPoints and links to websites which help to explain the worksheets you have picked up in the resource packs. The website is organised so that everything you need for each day is uploaded to the date the work is due to be completed.
Printed packs will be available on a Friday. Text messages will be sent to give each class a time slot for collection. Please contact the school office or class emails if you wish to make alternative arrangements for collection.
Please could all completed work be sent into school by Friday 29th January. We have made files in school for the children’s work and staff will be giving feedback to the children in the week commencing 1st February. If your child has completed a lot of work in their exercise book, please drop that off and it will be re-issued on Friday 5th February.
If you need to talk to any of the teaching staff, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Staff will be happy to discuss any issues you may be facing and also will be more than happy to discuss learning with your child on the telephone. We will be contacting you for regular updates, to see how things are going, but please feel welcome to contact us whenever you need us.
We hope you are all safe and well.
Kind regards,
Miss Dodds