Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you so much for returning and emailing work to us. It is fantastic to see the quality of the work being completed at home. It is really inspiring to see the children engaging in all of their tasks. If you have returned work to school, your child should have received a feedback form from their teacher. If you have not yet returned anything, please return completed work by Friday 12th February.
On Friday 12th February, packs will be available at the usual collection times. This work will be for the week beginning 22nd February. Please have a break at half term and enjoy some down time from home-schooling.
Please note that class emails will not be checked over the half term break. Staff will check on Friday 12th February for the last time until 8:30am on Monday 22nd February. If you need to contact school for any reason please use the email
If you are having trouble with data or devices, please contact the school office to discuss any issues. We will try our best to help.
Sending you all our best wishes,
Enjoy half term and stay safe,
Miss Dodds