Dear Parents/Carers
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas break.
With the children returning to school on Wednesday 5 January 2022, I wanted to provide an update in light of the current circumstances in relation to coronavirus.
As you will no doubt be aware, daily case numbers are now significantly higher than they were at the end of last term and there is continued uncertainty as to how the situation will develop as we head into this new term. Therefore, we feel we need to put in place some additional measures to reduce the possibility of transmission in school and minimise the risk of infection for everyone. Our approach is to create infant (Class 1 and Class 2) and junior (Class 3 and Class 4) bubbles which could then be streamlined into individual class bubbles should the need for further restrictions arise. Please see the information that follows for an overview of these additional measures.
Drop off and pick up
Year group |
Teacher | Start
time |
Finish time |
Class 1 (YR) | Miss Morgan | 8:45-8:55am | 3:05pm |
Class 2 (Y1/2) | Miss Forth | 8:45-8:55am | 3:05pm |
Class 3 (Y3/4) | Mrs Bradwell | 8:45-8:55am | 3:15pm |
Class 4 (Y5/6) | Mrs Mowbray/Miss Dodds | 8:45-8:55am | 3:15pm |
Drop off
- The current arrangements for drop off will continue with children able to arrive at any time between 8:45am and 8:55am.
- Parents may accompany children in Classes 1 and 2 to the near side gate where the children will be met by a member of staff and guided towards their classroom.
- Children in Classes 3 and 4 will be directed across the car park and round the building to the far side gate in order to access their classrooms. We request that parents of children in Classes 3 and 4 drop their children at the pedestrian gate in order to reduce congestion on site.
- For health and safety reasons, please can you ensure that any older children travelling to school unaccompanied do not arrive on the premises before 8:45am.
Pick up
- The near side gate will be opened at 3:05pm.
- The children being collected will remain in their classrooms.
- Parents will be able to walk round to the playground at the rear of the building and collect their children directly from their classrooms at the designated time (3:05pm or 3:15pm).
- If more than one child is being collected, please collect the younger child/children first.
- If you have children in different classes with different pick up times, please pick up at the later time.
Playtimes and lunchtimes
These will be staggered to ensure that there is no mixing between the infant and junior children at these times.
Breakfast club
Breakfast club will start again on Wednesday 5 January 2021 at 8:00am. The children will be seated in infant and junior groups during this time.
Contacting school
In the interests of the safety of everyone concerned, we request that parents only contact school by telephone or email in the first instance. Parents/family members needing to come to the main entrance for a specific prearranged reason will be expected to remain in the porch area and wear a face covering unless exempt.
Take care and stay safe.
Mr W. Kirtley (Headteacher)