Our Colour Run is on Friday 7th June at the School Field. The children will practise before-hand and then parents are invited to join in with their children as follows:
Class 4 (+ parents) will run at 2:05
Class 3 (+ parents) will run at 2:20
Class 1 and 2 (+ parents) will run at 2:35
Please can children come to school on Friday in the kit they wish to take part in. The organisers re-iterated the need for old clothes and how effective it looks in a plain white t-shirt. If you have any old plain white t-shirts you could donate, we would really appreciate it. If you need a plain t-shirt, please get in touch with Mrs Blenkiron.
You are welcome to take your child(ren) home at the end of the event (approximately 2:55) and we will dismiss them from the top field. At the end of the event, we will sit the children in their class areas and school staff must hand the children over to their adult. If you are unable to attend, children will be taken back to school and dismissed at the end of the school day at 3:15 as usual.
Parents are invited to bring camping chairs and picnic blankets along to sit at the side to watch.
We are making this a sponsored event to raise money for the Team Solan Connor Fawcett Cancer Trust. Mark Solan will be joining us during the course of the afternoon and following this up with an assembly to tell the children about their work.
Please can all children bring a water bottle. In case of sunny weather, can children bring sun cream to school or put a long-lasting cream on in the morning.
If the weather forecast is poor, we will let you know on the morning if the event will be cancelled.
Any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch,
Kind regards,
Miss Dodds