PE at Byers Green
At Byers Green, we understand the importance of PE and know that physical activity improves health and concentration as well as promoting physical growth and development. Our aim is to give each child the tools and understanding to develop their health and fitness, physical literacy and emotional well-being in Physical Education (PE) and life.
In accordance with the national guidance, we endeavour to ensure that all children receive at least 2 hours of high-quality physical education every week in line with the objectives take from the National Curriculum, this includes timetabled swimming sessions throughout the year.
Our PE long term planning allows for each strand of the PE curriculum to move through each cycle, building on the skills that have been learnt prior. We use the national core tasks as well as the local authority core tasks to allow teachers and coaches a critical and analytical framework to plan for every lesson. The overarching objective for each lesson is to ensure that all children are as active as possible to enhance their experience and to create lessons that will inspire the children to follow their passion by joining clubs outside of school. All lessons are focused on being practical with the theory entwined through practical activities. Depending on the strand of PE, the children often work in teams and partners where they can develop and enhance their communication and teamwork as well as build their resilience and ability to reflect on their learning.
Throughout the year, all children are invited to represent the school at various sporting events. These are often ran by our local SSP and are usually non-competitive. They are designed to give children sporting/physical opportunities outside of the school environment and apply taught skills in different situations. We also have the children who are invited to attend competitive events throughout the year that enables them to apply the skills learned during PE lessons at inter-school competitions once again ran through our local SSP.
In addition to our well-planned curriculum, the children in Upper Key Stage 2 are also give the opportunity to develop their skills through a residential visit to Newby Wiske.
Here they will not only experience outdoor and adventurous activities, led by specifically trained staff, that simply can’t be replicated in a primary school setting. Through these activities, children will not only experience a sense of achievement and personal growth, but they will also learn about the importance of teamwork and resilience that will benefit them greatly in later life.
In order to support and develop our PE provision at Byers Green, we receive PE premium funding. Please follow the link below to find out how our money is spent for the benefit of our children.