Please remember – we do not use the White Rose workbooks; if the video asks you to pause to complete the questions on the worksheet please just continue the video unless I have made a note on the planning. White Rose (or other appropriate resources) will be provided to complete. This week there are also activities to be completed during the teaching videos and I have noted on the planning the resources needed.
May I politely request that all equipment sent home during lockdown is returned on Monday March 8th?
Thank you.
To compare lengths activity
Teaching video Year 1 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y1
Compare lengths activityPlease enjoy completing the practical activities:
Can you find 3 things larger than your spoon?
Can you find 3 things shorter than your spoon?
There is no worksheet today.
To recognise 2D and 3D shapes
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 7: Recognise 2D & 3D shapes
Please complete worksheet dated 1.3.21.
Y1 spellings: er sound ending
Please write your spellings in sentences, making sure you use a capital letter at the beginning and a full-stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end.
Spellings: under / summer / winter / sister / verb.
Challenge: can you spot and write any other er words?
Y2 spellings: doubling consonants when adding –ing to root verbs ending in a short vowel sound and a consonant
Please remind children what a vowel and a consonant is and ask them to say the short vowel sounds a e i o u
Explain that, when we add –ing to root verbs ending in a vowel then a consonant , we must double the final consonant eg drop becomes dropping; if we don’t do this the word will have a long vowel sound ie droping to rhyme with moping which doesn’t make sense!
Please ask the children to add –ing to these verbs in their home learning books:
rap / step / snip / stop /mug/ lap /jet / flip / crop /cut
Can you find any other root verbs which follow this rule?
As it’s St David’s day today we would love the children to draw daffodils for our spring-themed window display! We will be looking at and drawing real daffodils in class but if you haven’t got any at home, please use the image provided on the sheet dated 1.3.21. You could use paints, crayons or coloured pencils.