Measure length activity
Teaching video Year 1 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y1
Measure length activityPlease practise measuring objects using the cubes, rods and blocks provided in previous lessons or any objects you have at home – as long as they are the same size eg pennies or paperclips.
There is no worksheet today.
To count vertices on 2D shapes
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 7: Count vertices on 2D shapes
Please complete worksheet dated 4.3.21.
Please write your Fact File about your own special dragon on the sheet dated Thursday 4th March.
Remember to include a lovely picture of your dragon!
Please write your report about your dragon on the worksheet dated Thursday 4th March.
Some Y2 children do not have a worksheet; if so, please write your report staight into your Home Learning book. Remember to use the correct features:
- a title
- an introduction
- interesting information organised under subheadings (for example, Where it lives / What it eats/ Special powers)
- a lovely picture of your dragon!
World Book Day
You probably know that today is World Book Day. We will be celebrating this in a different way later this term so I have provided an extra English activity to complete tomorrow.
Please find Durham city on the map dated 4.3.21, then look carefully at the pictures of Durham Castle and Durham Cathedral.
Questions to discuss with a grown-up:
- What do you notice about where the castle was built? Is it on high or low ground? Why might this be?
- What do you notice about the distance between the castle and the cathedral? Why might this be?
- Look again at the map – can you see how near we are to Scotland?
- Durham Cathedral is very important to many people because it is where St Cuthbert and St Bede are buried
- Durham Cathedral used to contain lots of other treasures (it still does today!)
- Scotland and England used to have lots of battles against each other many years ago
These questions should help you to understand why Durham Castle was built where it is!