To compare heights activity
Teaching video Year 1 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y1
Compare heights activityPlease enjoy completing the activities suggested:
Can you find 3 things shorter than you?
Can you find 3 things taller than you?
Can you find 3 things the same height as you?
Again, there is no worksheet today.
To make 2D shapes
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 7: Make 2D and 3D shapes
Please enjoy making a cube and a cuboid using the nets dated 2.3.21 – you might want to decorate them first!
Challenge: use the straws and blu-tack to construct a cube.
Y1 and Y2
Please remind your child / children about reports and Fact Files; do they remember that these need a title, an introduction, subheadings and lots of interesting facts? Explain that we’re going to invent our own dragon then write a report about it!
Today’s activity is to draw and label a dragon and jot down some facts about it using the worksheet dated Tuesday 2nd March. Encourage your child to discuss their ideas with you.