To add ones using number bonds
Teaching video: follow link from previous lesson Spring Week 1 – Number: Addition and Subtraction (within 20) | White Rose Maths
Watch video 3 Add ones using number bonds [1st one]
Please complete the activities dated 13.1.21 in your Home Learning book.
To add equal groups
Teaching video Spring Week 1 – Number: Multiplication and Division | White Rose Maths
Watch video 3 Add equal groups
Please complete the activities dated 13.1.21 and in your folder.
To revise capital letters
Read ‘Capital Letters’ sheet dated 13.1.21 to remind yourself what a capital letter is and how it is used. Complete the sheet.
Challenge: write your own sentences using capital letters and full-stops correctly in your Home Learning book.
To revise exclamation sentences
Read ‘Ending Sentences’ sheet dated 13.1.21 to remind yourself what an exclamation sentence is – it begins with What a……….! or How…….!
Examples: What a brave knight! How scary that dragon is!
Remember – not all sentences that end with an exclamation mark are actually exclamation sentences.
Complete the sheet.
Challenge: write your own exclamation sentences in your Home Learning book.
Watch gravity at work