To subtract by counting back
Teaching video Spring Week 3 – Number: Addition and Subtraction (within 20) | White Rose Maths
Watch video 4 Subtraction counting back
Please complete the worksheets using the castles-themed number lines we put into your packs last week.
To begin to know the 5 times table
Teaching video Spring Week 2 – Number: Multiplication and Division | White Rose Maths
Watch video 4 5 times-table
There is no worksheet today; please use the 5 Times Table chart provided to practise this table – you need to know it by heart! This is ongoing and you can practise whenever you have a few spare minutes.
If you want to keep fit whilst learning your 5 times table, log onto BBC Supermovers 5 times table dance workout following this hyperlink:
Remind children of the punctuation they learned yesterday : Y1 – question marks /Y2 – commas in a list. Children are to practise applying their knowledge in their Home Learning books.
Y1 : Please write 5 questions of your own about castles. Make sure you have a capital letter at the beginning and a question mark at the end.
Y2 : Please write 10 sentences of your own using commas in a list. You could link them to our castles topic or any other topic that interests you. Remember basic punctuation too such as capital letters and full-stops.
Remind children that we are learning about castles in History. Watch powerpoint from Twinkl website : Primary Games, Videos and Audiobooks – Twinkl Go – use code TF8649 to access this.
Complete the worksheet dated 21.1.21 by labelling the parts of a castle.
Remember to log out once you have completed the activity!
Challenge: label the picture you drew of your own castle from last Friday’s art lesson!