To add by making 10
Teaching video Spring Week 3 – Number: Addition and Subtraction (within 20) | White Rose Maths
Watch video 2 Add by making 10
Please complete worksheet dated 19.1.21, using counters if you wish.
To make doubles
Teaching video Spring Week 2 – Number: Multiplication and Division | White Rose Maths
Watch video 2 Make doubles
Please complete worksheet dated 19.1.21.
Discuss with your child the sort of texts we have read since September. Examples: traditional tales / poetry / instructions.
Explain that we’re going to read a story this week. Remind them of the predictions they made using the book covers.
Read along with an adult* from ‘Once upon a misty morning………at a moment such as this’.
Questions to ask: what do they think the spell would be? Who might the mysterious stranger be? Can Y2 children identify any adjectives? Remind them that an adjective describes a noun. Remind Y2 what a noun phrase is – an adjective and a noun together. Can they identify any noun phrases in the text? Examples: magical forest / wily witch / dreadful spell.
*Note to parents / carers: Please note: texts which we share in class are chosen for their content and rich vocabulary – they are not designed to be read independently, so please read to / with your child!
I have also provided a paper copy of the text to support learning, which will be particularly useful for Y2 children who will need to read in detail to find noun phrases.
Label the picture of Sir Charlie Stinky Socks – try to use 10 labels. One example is there for you.
Challenge: write 5 sentences about Sir Charlie Stinky Socks in your Home Learning book using your labels for ideas. Remember to use capital letters and full-stops!
Make a list of 10 noun phrases from the text. Write them in your Home Learning book.
Challenge: which noun phrase do you like the best? Why do you like it? For example:
I like the noun phrase magical forest because it makes me think of something strange and mysterious.
Why did Jesus care for others?