To count in 5s
It would be useful to have your laminated number chart to 50 as you watch the video.
Teaching video Year 1 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y1
Count in 5sPlease complete worksheets dated 25.2.21.
Block diagrams
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 6: Block Diagrams
Please complete worksheets dated 25.2.21.
To revise using and to join phrases
Watch BBC bitesize video clip Using and as a joining word – follow hyperlink Using ‘and’ as a joining word – Year 1 – P2 – English – Catch Up Lessons – Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize
Now write 6 sentences in your Home Learning book all about you eg
I like learning about castles and knights.
Challenge: try to make your sentences as exciting as possible by putting in describing words (adjectives)!
To revise verb tenses
Obviously, using the correct verb tense is very important and it can be surprising for adults how confusing this can be for children!
Please watch the video clip Tenses from BBC bitesize following hyperlink Tenses – Year 2 / P3 – This Term’s Topics – Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize and complete the online exercises, then complete worksheet dated 25.2.21.
We are linking Geography with History this half–term, exploring the location of castles in the UK, particularly in our area.
To introduce this topic, please follow the hyperlink Online Educational Resources | Twinkl Go!
then use the code provided to read a Twinkl powerpoint about castles All About British Castles.
Code: TF6245
Discuss the castles; have the children visited any of these castles or been on holiday near them?