To count in 5s activity
You will need your laminated numbers to 50 chart provided previously for this lesson.
Teaching video Year 1 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y1
Count in 5s activityPlease complete worksheets dated 24.2.21. There is no separate worksheet today so please practise counting in 5s forwards and backwards.
To interpret pictograms
You will need your Home Learning book, a pencil and a ruler for this activity.
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 6: Interpret pictograms
Please complete worksheet dated 24.2.21.
To practise using capital letters, full-stops and question marks
Please put in the correct punctuation on worksheet dated 24.2.21.
Please practise your knowledge of punctuation and grammar by completing the worksheets dated 24.2.21.