Reading books
We have provided 3 books for your child to read up to half-term at his / her current level. Please continue to encourage your child to read their own books for enjoyment – no-one can read too much!
We will review this provision after half – term.
- Monday 25th January
- Tuesday 26th January
- Wednesday 27th January
- Thursday 28th January
- Friday 29th January
Additional opportunities:
- As we were due to have a Dance block this half term, you can find this week’s videos here:
- The password to access them is: dancecoachingvideos
- Y1/2 children should access the warm up and KS1 videos for Week 2
- Mrs Coulls is creating a weekly music lesson for Class 2
- This week’s video can be found here: KS1 Music lesson 1 (DMS).mp4