Please complete the Maths assessment provided; it doesn’t need to be completed all at once and certainly not in test conditions! Perhaps carers and children could work through this together.
Sharing and grouping activity
Teaching video Year 2 | White Rose Maths
Watch White Rose Home Learning Y2 Spring Week 3: Make equal groups activity
Complete worksheet dated 29.1.21.
Spelling tests of ea words [Y1] / –ed words [Y2]
Y1: Read a book of your choice to an adult. Ask them to ask you questions – then you can ask them questions to see how well they’ve been listening!
Y2: Please complete comprehension sheet ‘Thinking About Words’ dated 29.1.21.
All children: handwriting practice sheet dated 29.1.21.
Castle silhouette: blue / dark colours
Please discuss what a silhouette is with your child. Explain that they are going to create a castle silhouette by drawing a castle shape then cutting it out and placing it on a background. The background is to use blue/pink/light colours. Examples:
Examples of castle-shaped silhouettes
I have sent home a piece of black card for the castle silhouette and some white paper to colour for the background. I have also sent some blue paper for a background if you would prefer to use this rather than paints, crayons or coloured pencils.
Please feel free to send in any completed castle pictures for our Home Learning Wall in class!
Sad or Happy – SCARF activity from Me and My Relationships unit
At home with SCARF – Activities for 5 to 7 year-olds (
Activity: discuss the ideas from Activity 2: Happy or Sad? with your family
Complete the worksheet dated 29.1.21.
Please see Classroom Secrets from 3.15pm on 29.1.21.